On October 2, a selection of short films from directors who represent Ukraine at international festivals will be screened in Kyiv.
The event organizers are CUC, Kharkiv MeetDocs Film Festival, and Bardak.
The selection includes four short films:
- It’s Quiet Here
directed by Olena Podolianko and Novruz Hikmet
On September 26, 2022, it was announced that the film won its first prize in the category of Best Short Film in the international competition at the Batumi Art-House Film Festival.
- The Diaper Cake
directed by Anastasia Babenko
The Diaper Cake is the story of twenty-year-old Lena and Vitia, who just had a baby. These are 17 minutes about the first emotions and comprehending a new reality – parenthood. Both in the postpartum ward, as in purgatory, try to accept the changes in their own lives, as well as each other.
- Paperushka
directed by Liliia Ostapovych
Iva arrives in a unique and colorful mountain province, where forgotten places remind the warmth of past events and inflame the desire to return her first love — Borys, who is preparing for marriage. Iva plunges into a whirlwind of events: to a wedding celebration and, contrary to the social order, dares to take a decisive step.
- Leopolis Night
Directed by Nikon Romanchenko
Polia, Solomiia, Maria play in the local theater. After the spectacle, they meet a boy and walk together through the night city. Polia seems to have fallen in love with him. In the morning, he will leave town, and they will not see each other again.